Shell : Remove blank spaces from filenames 1

Just like I last posted the below script can be used to remove blank spaces from file names. #!/bin/sh find . -name "* *"|while read file do target=`echo "$file"|tr -s ' ' '_'` mv "$file" "$target" done

Shell script: Rename extensions of multiple files. 1

Shell provides easy way of renaming multiple files. Eg: your directory has ’01 – Song1.mp3′, ’02 – Song2.mp3′, ’03 – Song3.mp3′ and you want to rename them to .txt. use the following commane. $rename mp3 txt *.mp3 The above command renames .mp3 files to .txt. An alternate script solution from here #!/bin/sh ls *.mp3|while read ...

Assorted Linux/Ubuntu Gotchas!! 3

To customise Vi Editor copy /usr/share/vim/vimrc to ~/.vimrc :syntax on for color highlighting :set incsearch for incremental search in vi editor to clear and redraw the screen ^L To get network info netstat -lneap | grep tcp 5900 for vnc 21 for ftp To mount Windows partitions (NTFS) on boot-up, and allow users read and ...