Ubuntu 12.04 : Fix for Adobe Flash crashing while playing videos 4

When adobe stopped support for its flash player in linux, it was not just bad news, it was a terrible news as the version then had some serious bugs. One of the common one being the people in the youtube or flash videos appearing in blue color. The blue tint was making everyone in the ...

Patch for Flex builder 3 with Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede 1

If you have been working with Eclipse 3.2 or 3.3 with flex builder 3, and if the upgrade to 3.4 broke the builder, try the following patch http://www.tekool.net/blog/2008/06/28/flex-builder-3-plugin-dont-work-with-eclipse-34/ Just download the patch from here unzip it somewhere on your desktop and copy the plugins content ( 2 jar files) to your eclipse’s plugins folder. If ...

Searchme – The new era of visual search. 1

Searchme - The new era of visual search.
Searchme is a search engine. Yes, one would guess, oh here’s another one out to change the way one searches the web. But this one does catch your attention. It displays results in visual format and lets you slide through results using a slide bar in the bottom. The visual effects are appealing, which gives ...