Configure Niagara Ax to send Email. 3

Configure Niagara Ax to send Email.
The below steps explains how to configure the email service in Naigara Ax station, using its workbench. And below you will find the code to use the baja Email api to be able to send email in Niagara. Navigate to BEmailService service under Station Double click on the EmailService, you will find the Email Account ...

Niagara Ax: How to programmatically get a module version

Here’s the code snippet to programmatically get a module’s version. Sys.getRegistry().getModule("moduleName") .getVendorVersion().toString(); Or if your class has a TYPE field Sys.getRegistry().getModule(TYPE.getModule().getModuleName()) .getVendorVersion().toString(); This returns the vendorVersion value written in the module’s build.xml as shown below. <module bajaVersion="3.4" description="Niagara Ax Module" edition="j2se-5.0" name="NiagaraModule" preferredSymbol="nm" vendor="Tridium Inc" vendorVersion="1.3.1" > Disclaimer: Niagara Ax tips in this website are ...

Niagara Ax: How to increase workbench client request timeout 1

When a Niagara workbench is connected to a remote supervisor, chances are there when client makes a request to the server, requests will be timed out after 1 minute or 60 seconds, because the server was taking more than 60 seconds to service the request. Although Tridium will not encourage this, but we can increase ...

Niagara Ax : Copy a BComponent to a bog file. 3

In Niagara Ax, a bog file is nothing but a zipped xml. Whenever we need to serialize a BComponent as a file in the station files structure, we can use the below code to achieve the same. /** Copy a BComponent to a bogFile @param comp : The source component @param bogFile : The bogfile ...