Remote Login to Linux from Windows (Non-VNC) 6

Remote Login to Linux from Windows (Non-VNC)
We can actually login to a *nix based system running X server remotely from Windows XP/Vista based machines. Although there are other ways to achieve remote login using Putty for a SSH login and file transfer over SSH using WinSCP. This particular method allows you to access the entire desktop as a independent session unlike ...

Download videos from 3

Update: On Ubuntu a better approach to download youtube videos from command line is using clive. It has options to download the best available format for the video using the -f option. Also a to download videos directly from the homepage a firefox extension provides a “Save As” option just below the playing video. ...

Setting up a SVN 1.4 server using Apache 2.2 on Ubuntu 15

To setup svn 1.4 , we need to compile both apache 2.2 and svn 1.4 from source. This how to has been tested under Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy. sudo apt-get install build-essential libneon25-dev autoconf libtool -y --force-yes Before starting make sure you have removed previous apache2 and subversion installation from your system. To do this: ...

Assorted Linux/Ubuntu Gotchas!! 3

To customise Vi Editor copy /usr/share/vim/vimrc to ~/.vimrc :syntax on for color highlighting :set incsearch for incremental search in vi editor to clear and redraw the screen ^L To get network info netstat -lneap | grep tcp 5900 for vnc 21 for ftp To mount Windows partitions (NTFS) on boot-up, and allow users read and ...